roll call
When I started getting serious about writing the IR, I imagined that the readership would be predominantly American. In fact, Iceland-based readers have for some time made up the plurality of readership, currently at around 37%. In light of all this local support, Iceland Report would like to recognize recent readers from the following esteemed Icelandic institutions. Thanks for reading IR!
- Alþing - Icelandic Parliament
- Bifreiða og Landbúnaðarvélar - literally, Cars and Tractors (car dealership)
- DeCode Genetics
- Dómsmálaráðuneytið - Icelandic Department of Justice
- Flugfélagið Atlanta - Air Atlanta Icelandic (airplane wet leasing)
- Flugleiðir - Icelandair
- Fréttablaðið - literally, News Paper (the free daily newspaper)
- Glitnir - formerly Íslandsbanki (Iceland's Bank)
- Hagstofa Islands - Iceland Statistics Bureau
- Háskóli Íslands - The University of Iceland
- Háskólinn í Reykjavík - The University of Reykjavík
- Kauphöll Íslands - The Iceland Stock Exchange
- Kennaraháskóli Íslands - The Teachers' University of Iceland
- Kópavogsbær - The Town of Kópavogur
- Landbúnaðarháskólinn Hvanneyri - The Agricultural University of Hvanneyri
- Landsbanki Íslands - literally, the Land's Bank
- Landsspítali - literally, the Land's Hospital
- Landsvirkjun - National Power Company
- Listaháskóli Íslands - The Art University of Iceland
- Morgunblaðið - literally, The Morning Paper (Iceland's most respected fishwrap)
- Orkustofnun - The National Energy Authority Of Iceland
- Reiknistofa Lífeyrissjóða - Icelandic Pension Fund Processing Center
- Rekstrarfélag Stjórrnarrádsbygginga - Icelandic Government Building Management (yeah!)
- Reykjavíkurborg - The City of Reykjavík
- Síminn - literally, The Phone (Iceland's Ma Bell)
- Tryggingamiðstöðin - literally, Insurance Center (insurance company)
- Viðskiptaháskólinn á Bifröst - Bifröst Business School
Pétur: Þakka þér kærlega. Ég er búinn að breyta greinina.
A: Thanks for reading. Aren't you in actuality representing Magadansarfélagið? :-)
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