miðvikudagur, apríl 12, 2006


Tomorrow, Thursday, begins Iceland's national 5-day Easter break. Nothing's open, or not much is open: banks, stores, and even eateries mostly closed, sidewalks and fishing piers rolled up, and even old Iceland Report is taping up a handwritten "Lokað" sign in the window. Spring fervor hits the Land in full force this time of year, a kind of "Opening Day" for the brilliant green lava fields, and the whole editorial staff here at IR intend to enjoy it to the fullest. Gleðilega páska!


Blogger Maja said...

I read this quote today that made me think of you. You're from Boston aren't you?

"I have just returned from Boston. It is the only sane thing to do if you find yourself up there."
-- Fred Allen, in a letter to Groucho Marx, 1953

Blogger The Dog of Freetown said...

Nothing better than the Easter break. We're having a Bank Holiday here too. Never really understood why the banks need holidays - never have a Post Office or Petrol Station holiday. Anyway, enjoy yours!

Blogger Jennifer Leigh said...

Gleðilegt Pásk

Blogger JB said...

Maja, That's great. But really, the place just keeps pulling me back. Maybe he was talking about NYC?

Kieran, It really is a magical time to readjust after a long winter of darkness and work. Spring is really here now. Or maybe even summer.

Jennifer, Sömuleiðis! Gleðilega páska! Og gleðilegt sumar. :-)

Sigvaldi, Kannski þú getur gert það. :-)

Blogger Jennifer Leigh said...

Hey, my Icelandic friends used that and they were born and raised in Iceland!

Blogger Jennifer Leigh said...

They also say "Til Hamingju med amaeli..." which should be afmaeli, but is the lazy way of saying it...


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